Add some spice to your Management Systems!
eTACO offers fun and easy awareness training for ISO Management Systems. Our online training will supercharge your staff's understanding of how management systems work and the value they can add to your organisation.
Who should do our courses?
Often organisations want their staff to do awareness training when they are implementing a new management system, or when new staff join the team. Everyone working in an organisation with ISO certification should have an awareness of how the standards work.
The key staff who benefit from our courses are:
System Coordinators
IMS Coordinators
System Administrators
Internal Auditors
New or existing
Internal or external
Senior Management
Business Owners
Supervisors & Employee Reps
Health and Safety Reps (HSRs)
Team Leaders
Great Top Management teams are involved in their Management System. This course provides the 'bones' of the requirements of Top Management for ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 14001 Environmental, and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety. People who will benefit from this course include CEO's, Directors,
Business Owners, Senior Management, Supervisors, and Aspiring Managers.

We think of the core course as the "eTACO shell" you fill with your chosen standards. The core course covers the parts of the ISO standards that are common across the management standards. You only have to complete the core once, no matter how many of the below courses you go on to do. This saves you time! This course should take 8 to 10 hours, at your own pace.